KWF grant for Tobias Dansen

Tobias Dansen has received a KWF grant together with Ruben van Boxtel (PMC) to study the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in acquiring DNA mutations in cancer. The Dutch Cancer Society grant will allow them to precisely measure ROS, and study how cells respond to these in a controlled fashion. They will investigate under what conditions ROS contribute to DNA mutations. They will do this in collaboration with Ruben van Boxtel of the Prinses Máxima Centrum voor kinderoncologie. This research will provide new insights regarding the role of ROS in the prevention and initiation of cancer. Besides new scientific insights, Tobias hopes that their research will contribute to understanding whether or not taking antioxidant supplements is good idea, and under what circumstances.


NWO consortium grant for Nalan Liv


PhD defense by Luan Nguyen